Give generously without a grudging heart; then the Lord will bless you in everything you do.
Deuteronomy 15:10
Online & mobile giving is available through CanadaHelps and Tithe.ly, a safe and easy-to-use online platform that offers one-time or multiple recurring giving options.
Download the Tithe.ly app for either Apple or Android, set up your account (one-time only) and then you can give during church, or anywhere else!
We accept cash and cheques (payable to Gateway Church) as well as Debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Apple & Google Pay at our debit/credit machines at both the London & Komoka Campus, and during office hours, Monday to Friday between 9 am and 2 pm. To be sure your donation is included in your year-end charitable donation receipt, use a giving envelope available from the reception area.
Charitable Donation Receipts and Donor-Restricted Gift Policy
How do I receive my charitable donation receipt?
Cash/Cheque/Debit/Credit/E-Transfer/Auto Withdrawal: If you have been receiving your receipt by mail in the past, this year you will receive it electronically, using the email you provided us. A link to download your receipt will be emailed to you mid-February.
Please note that if we do not have your email on file, you will receive your receipt by mail.
Tithe.ly: A link to download your receipt will be emailed to you mid-February to the email address provided when you set up your account.
CanadaHelps: You will receive an annual email with a special link to a personalized landing page where you can download your receipt.
Please note that Gateway Church is charged a percentage of your donations received via CanadaHelps & Tithe.ly, however, you will be receipted for the full amount of your donation.
In order for us to provide you with a charitable donation receipt, ensure that we have your complete and correct name, email and mailing address on file. Please direct address updates and giving inquiries to admin@wearegateway.ca.
Donor-Restricted Gift Policy: Spending of funds is confined to Gateway Church-approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board of Gateway Church, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.
Registered Charity #866179716RR0002
E-transfers can be sent to giving@wearegateway.ca.
In your email please be sure to include the following:
Your name, mailing address and phone number if you would like to receive a charitable donation receipt and are new to sending e-transfers to Gateway
If you would like to designate your donation to a specific campus or ministry
Please note: charitable donation receipts will be issued to the name in the notes field.
Automatic Withdrawal
It’s convenient, it’s secure and it’s economical.
This method of giving allows Gateway Church to automatically debit your chequing account, whatever amount you choose for your regular giving, on any date/dates you choose each month. A VOID cheque needs to be included with the form.